
Ongoing theses

  • Betting portal based on blockchain technology (Jakub O.)

Past theses

  • Web application for posting announcements supported by smart contracts (Kamil P., defended 2021-02)
  • Blockchain as a complex network - models and methods (Alicja F., defended 2020-02)
  • Using machine learning for discovering types of nodes in blockchain network (Daria D., defended 2019-01)
  • Classification of the nodes in a blockchain-based network (Piotr M., defended 2019-06)
  • The extension of the package for analysing Blockchain transactions register (Dominik W., defended 2019-01)
  • Finding clusters in Bitcoin cryptocurrency blockchain (Marcin T., defended 2018-06)
  • An application for tracking the flow of resources for Bitcoin cryptocurrency (Marcin Pieczka, defended 2018-06)
  • The analysis of Bitcoin transactions blockchain (Bartosz Z., defended 2018-02)

If you are interested in doing research work either as your bachelor or master thesis, please contact us.